Fostering Creative Problem Solvers

The Ask: To help design and facilitate a design thinking workshop at the 2014 IDSA National Conference for at risk foster children in a residential facility. My Roles: Co-Designer, Co-Facilitator Other Team Members: Doris Wells-Papanek of the Design Learning Network. Phases: Contextual Inquiry, Personal Development, System Architecture Design, Industrial design and Interaction design of Read more…

Safe Spaces

The Ask: To use our design methods to somehow help a residential foster care facility. My Roles: Creative Director, Design Researcher, Interior Designer Full-Team: Kate Canales-Lead Researcher, Mycal Elliot-Research, Will Bryant-Illustration, Rob Moser-Research and Design, Julie Heard-Research and Design. Phases: Initial need-finding, early-concepting, workshop, design selection, build-out Project Length: Initial research and exploraiton exploration, 6 Read more…